Monday, February 8, 2010

Post Super Bowl Thoughts

Ok I know we have been absent here at the Upper Bowl for far too long. So I figured I would take this time while I am waiting for my physics professor to get to something actually important to get us back on track. For those loyal followers whom we have left feeling abandoned over the past month lets get to it.


In case you missed it the Super Bowl took place yesterday. The game was mega hyped, and mostly lived up to the billing. The QB's were very good for most of the game, the defenses were ok, some young guys made some bad plays, and the Saints head coach made one really gutsy call. All in all, the Saints outplayed the Colts. There were 2 plays that were not made by Colts WR's that played a big part in the game, but not big enough to change the outcome completely. The on sides kick took a lot of intestinal fortitude and it paid off, if they don't recover that ball, they give the ball to Peyton Manning on the 40 yard line and it would have been game over. But that is not how it went. Now I have made it very clear that I am a Colts fan, a new one at that because of Austin Collie's addition to the team (by the way he had a brilliant rookie year, including 2 post season TD's). But fellow Upper Bowl contributor Chris, is a die hard Colts fan who I am sure is in a dark place today, having felt a disappointment that I can only relate to being a Jazz fan during the 1998 campaign that ended with the infamous "push off" from MJ. All that being said, my first season as a Colts fan was a good one, and assuming they keep my boy Collie around, I will be a Colts fan for many more years.

The Association has been putting out a fantastic product as of late. The Cleveland Lebron's have won 11 in a row (their last lost came courtesy of Sundiata Gaines and the Utah Jazz). The Lakers have been injured and faltering (which is always a fantastic thing). The Nuggets have been stellar despite not having Carmelo for 8 games now. But what drives our love at the Upper Bowl of the NBA is most definitely the phenomenal play of the Utah Jazz. Winners of their last 8, and 12 out of 13, the Jazz have been absolutely regulating teams on the hardwood. The Jazz have climbed in the power rankings from ESPN (seen here and (seen here The "experts" are noticing the Jazz. And the biggest reason for this improved play is one rejuvenated Andrei Kirilenko. Yes, Carlos Boozer/Paul Milsap have been very good in the low post. Yes, CJ Miles has shown some good signs, has Wesley Matthews has continued to be a huge boost. Yes, Deron Williams is absolutely killing people (see this clip on youtube: But the absolute reason the Jazz are winning and playing so well, is the resurgence of Andrei Kirilenko. He has reverted back to his All-Star form, shooting a very high percentage and being extremely active defensively. I hate to get too geeked up about this team, but right now the Jazz are winning on the road, winning at home and are doing so in a dominant fashion. If they can continue this mentality (which remains to be seen) the Jazz could very well end up in the 2nd seed in the west and then who knows what would happen.

With College Football over, we are left with regular season College Basketball and the NBA to look forward to. For those of you who can't watch the regular season College Basketball, don't worry March is right around the corner. Until then enjoy the Jazz and all the NFL Draft talk you can handle. We will be back again soon. But for now that is the View From the Upper Bowl.